List of experts holding the international certificate “Quality Management Systems Auditor (ISO 9001:2015)”
№ | ФИО рус. | ФИО англ. |
1 | Сурамбаева Астра Таштанбековна | Surambaeva Astra |
2 | Аширбаева Эльмира Малабековна | Ashirbaeva Elmira |
3 | Алимова Эльмира Ташмаматовна | Alimova Elmira |
4 | Бостонова Парида Зиябековна | Bostonova Parida |
5 | Абдыкалыкова Урмат Акынбековна |
Abdykalykova Urmat |
6 | Биймырсаева Эркегуль Мундусбековна |
Biimyrsaeva Erkegul |
7 | Борбиева Динара Абдрахмановна | Borbieva Dinara |
8 | Бегалиев Улугбек Турдалиевич | Begaliev Ulugbek |
9 | Джумабаева Марина Зарипбековна | Dzhumabaeva Marina |
10 | Матыева Акбермет Карыбековна | Matyeva Akbermet |
11 | Абдикеримова Жибек Токтобаевна | Abdikerimova Zhibek |
12 | Сартбекова Нуржан Коодоевна | Sartbekova Nurzhan |
13 | Сулеева Диляра Аюевна | Suleeva Dilyara |
14 | Рахманалиева Айжан Алмазовна | Rakhmanalieva Aizhan |
15 | Романович Ольга Геннадьевна | Romanovich Olga |
16 | Асаналиева Жылдыз Джолдошбековна |
Asanalieva Zhyldyz |
17 | Нарманбетова Гулбайра Джапаркуловна |
Narmanbetova Gulbaira |
The expert of “Sapattuu Bilim” Agency must know:
– current requirements of normative legal documents in the field of education and science, regulating the accreditation procedure;
– ways and methods of working with official information and personal data;
– the standards and guidelines of "Sapattuu Bilim" Agency on conducting the appropriate type of accreditation of educational organizations and programs;
– ways to assess compliance with the standards during the accreditation process, the educational organizations and/or educational programs applied for accreditation with the standards of the Agency, as well as state requirements;
– requirements to the content and design of the conclusions of the Commission for accreditation review, as well as documents prepared during the accreditation review procedure of the educational organization and/or educational program. The expert of the “Sapattuu Bilim” Agency should be able to:
– analyze, systematize and summarize information;
– review self-reports and reports of educational organizations on institutional and program accreditation;
– conduct a survey and process its results;
– collect information through surveying, interviewing, and other oral and written communication methods;
– evaluate a variety of resources;
– to execute the conclusion of the commission and other documents on examination with the use of computer equipment and information technology;
– draw up and generate a report on the results of the visit of the external expert commission;
– interact with other experts, accreditation body, educational organizations in the process of accreditation review;
-to analyze the educational programs of the educational organization (including curricula, working curricula, disciplines (modules) and other materials that provide education and quality of training and spiritual and moral development of students, as well as programs of educational and industrial practices, calendar curricula, teaching materials that ensure the implementation of the educational program);
– to establish the correspondence (inconsistency) of the content of training of students and graduates of an educational organization to the state educational standards and requirements.
The qualification level of the expert must meet the established requirements of the Agency “Sapattuu Bilim” taking into account the changing requirements of the Kyrgyz Republic legislation in the field of education (including state educational standards and requirements), improvement of forms and methods of accreditation examination, development of computer equipment and information technologies through professional development, as well as through self-education.
The expert participates in seminars, conferences and other events held by the Agency “Sapattuu Bilim” and/or other organizations.
A candidate wishing to become an expert must fill out an application (Annex 1) on the website of the “Sapattuu Bilim” Agency and send the following documents by e-mail to
a) copy of an identity document;
b) copies of documents on higher professional education, additional education and documents on academic degree, academic rank;
c) detailed resume (in free form) with all contacts;
d) copy of the certificate of foreign language test IELTS, TOEFL, etc. (if any);
e) other documents confirming competence (e.g. recommendations of educational organizations, scientific organizations of associations, etc.);
f) copies of certificates of expert or training seminars on accreditation of educational organizations and programs;
g) completed application form.
Code of Ethics of the External Expert on Accreditation.
This code establishes the basic rules of conduct for each external expert during the examination of educational programs.
The activity of the external expert is carried out in accordance with the standards and criteria of accreditation of educational organization and educational programs, approved by the Accreditation Council of the “Sapattuu Bilim” Agency.
The expert must have the competence necessary to assess the educational organization and program(s) and undergo special training. The experts involved in the external evaluation of the educational program (programs) are required to comply with high ethical standards: professionalism, honesty, impartiality and fairness.
Requirements for the expert:
1. Professionalism.
The expert must be a specialist in the relevant subject area. Members of the external expert commission assume the responsibility for ensuring the high quality assessment of the educational organization and program(s) according to the standards and criteria of the Agency “Sapattuu Bilim”.
The expert must build his relations with other external experts and employees of the accredited educational organization on the basis of mutual respect, not to use statements and expressions disparaging the honor and dignity of another expert, representatives of the educational organization in respect of which the examination is conducted.
2. Resolution of conflicts of interest.
Prior to inclusion in the external expert commission, the expert must inform “Sapattuu Bilim” Agency about the existence of circumstances preventing his participation in the work of the commission.
Circumstances preventing the participation of the expert in the evaluation of the educational organization and program (cluster of programs) may be: current or former employment in this educational organization, consulting services on the process of accreditation of the evaluated program, former or current negotiations on possible employment, training in this educational organization, the presence of financial interests.
During the external examination of the educational organization and program (cluster of programs) the members of the external expert commission should voluntarily remove themselves from meetings and decisions that can create a situation of conflict of interest, and report all contradictions of their personal interest with the interests of accreditation of the educational program (cluster of programs) that can affect the objectivity of the external examination procedure.
Members of the external expert commission should not accept monetary remuneration or other gifts from the educational organization, which can affect the results of the examination.
During the external examination of the educational organization and the program (cluster of programs), the expert should not perform actions exceeding his authority.
Before the start of the external examination procedure, the members of the commission sign a statement confirming the fact of the absence of a conflict of interest and send it to the “Sapattuu bilim” Agency.
3. Privacy.
Confidentiality is an important principle of the work. All information and documentation received by the expert is confidential and should be used only for the accreditation of the educational organization and program (cluster of programs).
Members of the external expert commission assume the obligation not to disclose confidential information, the information received cannot be passed to third parties, must not be disclosed without the consent of the educational organization and the Agency “Sapattuu bilim”.
Working documents of experts are internal working documents and are not subject to dissemination. The content of the documents is the intellectual property of “Sapattuu Bilim” Agency.
The assessments contained in the working documents are not communicated to the representatives of the educational organization.