Charter (excerpts)
1. General provisions
1.1 The Sapattuu Bilim Accreditation Agency for Educational Organizations and
Programs (hereinafter referred to as the Sapattuu Bilim Agency) is a non-
governmental, non-profit organization that does not have the main goal of its
activity to make a profit.
1.2 The Sapattuu Bilim Agency carries out its activities in accordance with the
Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Civil Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, the
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic «On Non-Commercial Organizations», the Law of the
Kyrgyz Republic «On Education», other regulations and this Charter.
1.3. Name of the Institution: in Russian:
Agency for Accreditation of Educational Organizations and Programs “Sapattuu
abbreviated in the official language: Sapattuu Bilim Agency.
1.4 Location of the institution: Bishkek city, Lermontov street, 2
2. Legal status
2.1 The Sapattuu Bilim Agency operates as a non-profit organization, a non-
governmental organization that does not pursue as its main goal making profit
for its founders, realizing its goals and objectives in accordance with the
legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2.2 Legal form — Institution.
2.3 The institution is a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz
Republic. The institution has the right on its own behalf to acquire property and
personal non-property rights and incur obligations, conclude agreements, be a
plaintiff and defendant in court, have separate property on the right of
operational management, have fixed and current assets, an independent
balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banks, a seal , stamp and forms
with own symbols.
2.6 The term of the Institution’s activity is not limited. Main goals and object of
activity of the Institution
3.1 The main goal of the Institution’s activity is:
Promoting the improvement of the quality of education of educational
institutions and increasing their competitiveness at the national and
international levels. Implementation, in accordance with the procedure
established by law, of accreditation of educational organizations and educational
programs, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, in
order to confirm the quality of the educational services provided.
3.2 The subject of the Institution’s activity is:
Accreditation is a procedure for assessing the quality level of an educational
organization as a whole or its individual educational programs, during which the
compliance of an educational organization or educational program with
established criteria and standards is recognized.
Institutional accreditation is a procedure for recognizing the compliance of the
quality level of educational organizations as a whole with certain criteria,
procedures and its status.
Program accreditation is a procedure for assessing the compliance of individual
programs of an educational organization with certain criteria and standards.
3.3 To achieve the goals set, the Institution carries out activities in the following
promoting the quality of education
assessment of educational organizations and programs for compliance with approved criteria and procedures (not lower than the State Educational Standards);
assistance in improving the quality of education, its compliance with criteria and procedures established and recognized in the international community;
methodological, consulting assistance to educational organizations in matters of high-quality provision of educational services;
promotion of recognition of documents on education and qualifications of the Kyrgyz Republic in the global space;
active involvement in the exchange of experience of professionals from the CIS countries and far abroad;
establishment and strengthening of ties with similar organizations, regardless of the forms of ownership of other states;
stimulating the development of educational organizations and improving educational programs through continuous self-assessment and improvement;
economic activity in order to implement the statutory goals and objectives;
organization of conferences, seminars, trainings, meetings, implementation of consulting activities and other similar events;
the implementation of editorial and publishing activities, the release of popular science and educational literature;
participation in the preparation and holding of events organized by other bodies, public organizations on issues related to the activities of the Institution;
implementation of production and other economic activities necessary to achieve the statutory goals and objectives of the Institution;
participation in the preparation of legal acts on the assessment of the quality of education and other related issues of legal regulation, developed by legislative and executive authorities and professional organizations, carries out activities for their implementation in practice;
information and methodological support of educational organizations on the quality of education in accordance with national and European standards and recommendations to ensure the quality of higher education;
development of methodology and technology for assessing the quality of education, including test technologies and technologies for sociological surveys, technologies for the formation of internal quality assurance systems;
setting the types of education, the group of organizations engaged in educational activities, and the educational programs they implement, in respect of which the assessment of the quality of education is carried out, as well as the conditions, forms and methods for assessing the quality of education and the procedure for its payment;
research work, development of software products for computers and infocommunication technologies in the Internet environment, reference and educational literature in the field of assessment and quality assurance of education;
accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations carrying out educational activities on behalf of employers and their associations;
maintaining a register of educational organizations and educational programs accredited by the Institution;
maintaining a register of certificates of accreditation of educational organizations and educational programs issued by the Institution;
development of the Procedure for conducting accreditation by the Institution, forms and methods of assessment during its implementation, and also establishes the rights granted to an accredited organization engaged in educational activities;
training of experts in the field of assessing the quality of education, accreditation of educational organizations and educational programs, certifies them and maintains a register of experts;
information, methodological, technological support for the activities of experts in the field of assessing the quality of education involved in the procedures for assessing the quality and accreditation of educational programs and accreditation of educational organizations;
ensuring openness and accessibility of information on the procedure for accreditation;
on the basis of the results of accreditation of educational programs, the formation of ratings of accredited educational programs and organizations that implement them and carry out educational activities;
holding seminars, advanced training courses, providing other educational services;
implementation of the program of retraining and advanced training of specialists, administrative workers, educational and other citizens;
provision of methodological, informational, consulting and other services to educational institutions in the preparation and conduct of public accreditation and accreditation of professional educational programs;
search, selection and dissemination of innovative ideas, the best domestic and foreign experience in the field of quality management in education;
implementation of scientific activities in the field of improving the quality of vocational education;
providing managers, faculty and specialists of educational institutions with educational and methodological assistance on improving the quality of education, providing consulting services in the field of accreditation of educational programs.
3.4 Basic principles of accreditation:
independent and objective assessment of the quality of education and
accreditation of educational organizations and programs recognized in
the prescribed manner;
rigorous application of sound external evaluation methodology;
limited period for granting an educational organization (program) the
status of an accredited educational organization (program).
3.5 The institution has the right to carry out any other types of activities not
prohibited by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, subject to the requirements
of the legislation on licensing.